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来源:祈福英语实验学校 发布时间:2021-05-26


When studying environmental science, students need to know more aboutnutrient cycles, soils, the dynamic of soils, and the interactions between soils,plants, and ecosystems. Environmental scientists need to look at different ways to determine whether the nutrients of soils aresufficient for optimum plant growth. Using the knowledge of soils and the chemical properties of different soils, scientist can predict how the plants and ecosystems will react with these substances.


The goal of the composting experiment was to learn how to make compost, and to test and evaluate different ways to make compost.Before the Chinese-American High School Environmental Science (Grade 11) students started the experiment, they had to learn the theoretical knowledge of the nutrient cycle and different methods of composting.


What is composting?


It is the natural process ofrecycling organic matter, such as leaves, grass cuttings and food scraps, intoa valuable fertilizer that can enrich soil and plants. Referred to by farmers and gardeners as“black gold,” compost is rich in nutrients andcan be used for gardening, horticulture, agriculture and organic farming.Accordingto Wikipedia: “Compost is made by decomposing organicmaterials into simpler organic and inorganic compounds in a process calledcomposting. This process recycles various organic materials otherwise regarded as waste products.Good compost is rich in plantnutrients and beneficial organisms.”


What are the benefits of compost?


It provides nutrients as fertilizer to crops, increasing thehumus content of the soil, and introducing beneficial colonies of microbes in the soil, which help in overpoweringharmful pathogens. Other benefits of compost are: improving natural interactions of the soil, plant roots and nutrient / microorganisms, andimprove the soil structure.Therefore, an improved soil structure will increase the soil water holding ability and control soil erosion. Additional uses of compost are: it can be used for land and stream reclamation, wetland construction, and landfill cover.


How to make compost and how long does it take to make it?


Composting requires collecting a combination of “greens” and“browns”. “Greens” are materials rich in nitrogen such as leaves, grass, and food scraps (e.g. banana peels, eggshells and other vegetable peals).“Browns” are more woody materials rich in carbon-like stems, paper, and wood chips. The materials are saturatedwith water to break them down into humus, a process that occurs over a period of a few weeks to several months.The composting process takes at least two months, however, it can also take place as a multi-step, closely monitored process with measured inputs of water, air, and carbon- and nitrogen-rich materials. The decomposition process is assisted by shredding the plant matter, adding water, and ensuring proper aeration by regularly turning the mixture.Fungi, earthworms and other detritivores further break up the organic material. Aerobic bacteria and fungi manage the chemical process by converting the inputs into heat, carbon dioxide, and ammonium.制作堆肥第一步是收集“绿色”原料和“棕色”原料。树叶、草,以及香蕉皮、鸡蛋壳和烂菜叶等厨余垃圾都是很好的“绿色”原料,富含氮元素。“棕色”原料则偏向富含碳的木质材料,如树茎、纸张和木屑。第二步是用水浸透两类原料,目的在于将其分解成腐殖质,这一过程需要几周到几个月不等的时间。一般来说,堆肥过程至少需要两个月,但它也可以是一个多步骤的过程,可以通过测量水、空气、碳和氮等的摄入量对堆肥过程进行密切监测。为加快堆肥过程,我们将原料作粉碎处理,加入水,定期翻动堆肥混合物,确保肥料充分通风;还可以加入真菌、蚯蚓和其他能加速原料腐蚀的生物,进一步破坏有机物结构,加速原料分解。好氧菌和真菌掌管着堆肥的化学变化过程,两类菌群把各种材料转化为热能、二氧化碳和氨盐,最终实现堆肥。

The students’ composting experiment involved the following experimental design:

Experimental group 1 – “greens” and “browns” with the presence of earthwormsExperimental group 2 – fine or shredded “greens” and “browns” with additional aeration by turning the mixture.

Control group – “greens” and “browns” with No presence of earthworms and No aeration by turning the mixture.



After the experiment was done, students had to visually compare and evaluate the results of the three different approaches of making compost.The final research report had to be handed in for the students’ final practical mark.


The effectiveness of the three different compost mediums will be evaluated in the next phase of the experiment, by adding them to different pot plants for testing growth and making compost tea for increasing the nutrient concentration of the hydroponic system.




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