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上海德英乐学院期末结业仪式 | End-of-Semester Assembly

来源:上海德英乐学院 发布时间:2021-06-28

上海德英乐学院期末结业仪式 | End-of-Semester Assembly




SDA AY2020-21 Spring

End-of-semester Assembly


On June 18th, the last day of the students of Shanghai DTD Academy in the school, the students got together to summarize their harvest and growth in the past year in addition to celebrating graduation.


As Pre-IG students who just entered the school, they had been able to master their tempos well already after a semester of adaptation, and constantly exceeded themselves thanks to the guidance of the teachers.

来自Pre-IG 的 Linda Chen 同学为大家带来LAMDA Speech: My Trip to MIT. 她从容自信,与大家分享她前往在MIT,在Harvard的一段经历。

Linda Chen from Pre-IG gave the LAMDA Speech: My Trip to MIT. She shared her experience at MIT, Harvard calmly and confidently.

同样来自Pre-IG年级的 Iris Liu 与Melissa Zhou代表她们所在的团队,为大家展示了跨学科的研究成果《青少年饭圈文化中粉丝跟风行为探析》。她们用数据、文献来论证自己的观点,透过现象行为看到本质,分析了其中的原因,并且给出了大家很好的建议。成果展示中我们看到了思维缜密的她们,看到了理性与冷静的新一代。

On behalf of their team, Iris Liu and Melissa Zhou, also from Pre-IG, presented their interdisciplinary research results Analysis of Behaviors of Following the Trend of Teenage Fans in the Context of Fandom. They proved their views with data and literature, discovered the essence beyond phenomenological behaviors, analyzed the reasons, and provided great advice as well. As the epitome of the new generation with rationality and calmness, they looked so thoughtful when displaying the results.


Congratulations to their team for winning Best Performance Award of this semester:

Iris Liu

Melissa Zhou

Eric Song

Ezen Jin

Jack Hao

Even Fan

# 英国物理奥赛 #

BPho Physics Challenge


Students who won the Gold Medals:

Joseph Huang(中级-Intermediate)

Suzen Bao(中级-Intermediate)

Kate Chen(中级-Intermediate)

Billy Fu(高级-Senior)

# 美国AMC数学竞赛 #

American Mathematics Competition


Certificate of Distinction for Top 15% in China

Billy Fu(AMC12)

Frank Li(AMC10)


Certificate of Merit for Top 30% in China

Oliver Tan (AMC10)

Winnie Yun (AMC10)

# 领导力奖学金 #

Leadership Awards

卓越领导力奖Excellent Leader:

Felicia Li

Kiki Cheng

Selina Gu

未来领袖奖Future Leader:

Luke Lv

Michael Chen

Suzen Bao

Allen Gong

领导力新星奖Rising Star:

Jay Yu

Oliver Tan

Kiki Qian

Spencer Xu

Susie Xue

# 学期卓越奖 #

Semester High Achiever

Becky Han

Phoebe Gong

Amy Zhang

Oliver Tan

Michael Chen

Fiona Yu

Suzen Bao

Joseph Huang

Allen Gong

Shirley Heng

Bob Qian

Jimmy Qi

# 五月之星 #

Students of May

Olina Huyan

Billy Shen

Tom Zhou

Doris Zhang

Claire Zhou

Snow Hu

Tina Wang

Todd Fu

Jessica Mei

Dorothy Huang


Congrates Again to All!


Have a good summer holiday! And get ready for the next school year!



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