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Michael David Colville

Michael老师从诺丁汉大学取得教育学研究生后就开始从事教育行业。他致力于A-level 化学课程超过20年的时间,曾在多所以A-level教育体系为核心的国际学校及英国本土名校任职和担任管理工作。在英国百年老校圣菲利克斯学校担任科学部主任,为学生提供专业而优质的教育。他所教授的学生多次参加A-Level化学考试获得满分。Michael在我校工作多年,是一位责任心强的优秀国际化学及科学老师。

Michael started his career in education once he obtained an MA in Education from Nottingham University. He has taught A-level Chemistry for more than 20 years in many UK and international schools. He was the head of chemistry in Saint Felix School where he provided professional education to students. His students achieved full marks in A-level exams. Michael worked for CDOIC before and is a professional educator and talented chemistry and science teacher.