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深圳东方英文书院2003年创办国际部(OECIS),采用备受家长青睐的国际文凭组织(IBO)的课程体系,秉承其领誉全球的育人理念,我们的办学宗旨是:致力于营造充满尊重、反思且富有创造性的国际化学习氛围,通过创设融汇中西文化精粹且能激发求知欲的完整课程体系,来挑战和激励每位学生,充分挖掘其美德、智力、身体方面的潜能,助其成为具有国际情怀的终身学习者。/Founded in year 2003, International school of Shenzhen Oriental English College adopts international recognized IBO curriculum system, adhering to its world leading educational philosophy. We are committed to challenging and inspiring each child to reach his or her ethical, intellectual and physical potential to become life-long learners with international mindedness through a multi-cultural, stimulating, and fully integrated curriculum that is internationally based within a respectful, reflective and creative learning environment.

国际部现开设大学预科课程(DP,2004年授权),国际中学课程(MYP,2017年候选学校),国际小学课程(PYP,2016年授权)。/Currently OECIS has three continued programmes, DP which authorized on 2004, MYP candidate school on 2017 and PYP which authorized on 2016.

我们重视培养学习者十种特质:积极探究、知识渊博、勤于思考、善于交流、坚持原则、胸襟开阔、懂得关爱、勇于尝试、全面发展、及时反思。/We educate learners to be: inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, reflective.

国际部致力于“扎根中华沃土,培育国际英才”的中外课程融合实践,创建了“基于IB课程的教育理念,课程架构和评估体系,融入中国课程标准的内容,形成中外课程科学融合,具有实效的国际化教育课程”,为学生提供:/OECIS devote ourselves to integrated curriculum which base on national conditions and foster international talents. We create effective international curriculum which integrate Chinese national curriculum standards and guide by IB educational philosophy, curriculum structure and assessment system. We provide our students with

开启智慧的丰富学习资源,/abundant learning recourses to lighten your wisdom

开拓视野的良好学习环境,/good learning environment to broaden your view

开发创新思维的中外教师队伍。/professional team to develop your creative thinking

国际部培养了一批又一批熟諳中国文化、具有国际情怀的终身学习者。他们走出国际部,走向世界,正在为“让世界变得更美好”的使命,刻苦学习,辛勤工作,努力奉献。/OECIS has cultivated batch after batch of lifelong learners who are good at Chinese culture with international mindedness. They graduated from OECIS. They walk up to the world. They learn and work diligently and commit themselves for a better world.