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来源:常州外国语附属双语学校 发布时间:2021-06-11



Recently, representatives of Changwai Bilingual School students teamed up to participate in the International Economic Olympiad Competition. They have won various team awards and individual awards.


► 新秀组 Junior Level

一等奖 First Prize

朱晋楠 Roy ZHU

是诺一 Steven SHI

马宇帆 Richard MA

二等奖 Second Prize

高培源 Hoggart GAO

周笑羽 Clair ZHOU

李浩明 Cedric LI

王艺臻 Rose WANG

► 专业组 Senior Level

二等奖 Second Prize

王源颢 Kimi WANG

袁佳泽 Chasel YUAN

邹睿珺 Jessica ZOU

王浩扬 King WANG



► 新秀组 Junior Level

三等奖 Third Prize


Team members: Rose WANG, Adria HU, Sarah ZHONG, Karen ZHANG.

► 专业组 Senior Level

三等奖 Third Prize


Team members: Clarence SUN, Harry CHEN, Jadan REN, Chasel YUAN.


Team members: Sophia SHAO, King WANG, Jessica ZOU, Pinky YANG.


Team members: Peter GU, Kimi WANG, Nancy JIANG, Richard WU.

带队老师:戴佳 Daisy DAI


The time to prepare for the IEOC was very hasty. The team members actively used the usual ECA time, especially the students in the professional group, who learned the knowledge points of A2 in advance. This is a considerable test of everyone's ability and energy.


The Economic Olympiad Competition can drive everyone's teamwork ability to move forward courageously in good times and take responsibility in times of adversity. In the intense and happy atmosphere of preparing for the competition, the classroom efficiency has improved a lot as well.


I hope that everyone will participate more in the Economic Olympiad Competition in the future, and while enhancing your academic background, you will also have a deeper understanding of teamwork and be fully prepared for the future. I believe you are the most amazingly astounding and wonderful students.


International Economics Olympiad,简称“IEO”,是面向全世界中学生的年度学术交流活动, 旨在鼓励对经济学、财务和商业感兴趣的学生,激发他们用创造性的方式解决问题,培养未来世界经济和商业世界的引领者, 是13项国际科学类奥赛 之一。它由哈佛大学教授、2007年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Eric Maskin博士发起主办并担任理事会主席。博士以其深邃的理论贡献,严谨的治学态度以及对经济学高级研究人才培养的突出贡献,是当今国际经济学最受尊敬的经济学大师之一。

International Economics Olympiad (IEO), is an annual academic exchange event for middle school and high school students from all over the world. It aims to encourage students who are interested in economics, finance and business, inspire them to solve problems in a creative way, and cultivate the future world economic and business leader. It is one of the 13 international science Olympiads. It was initiated and hosted by Dr. Eric Maskin, a professor at Harvard University and winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Economics, and served as the chairman of the board of directors. With his profound theoretical contributions, rigorous academic attitude, and outstanding contribution to the cultivation of advanced research talents in economics, the Ph.D. is one of the most respected masters of economics in international economics today.

作为其中最年轻的一员,IEO的难度、权威性都有目共睹,已然获得了世界各国的高度认可和关注。2021年是IEO引入中国的第3年,如今,已经有万名学子参与到IEO中,经过经济学知识的提升以及审辩性思维的锤炼后,成功被世界各大知名学府的相关专业录取,包含哈佛大学、斯坦福大学、美国康奈尔大学、美国历史最悠久的独立文理学院之一Colby College等等。

As the youngest member, IEO's difficulty and authority are obvious to all, and it has already gained high recognition and attention from countries all over the world. 10,000 students have participated in IEO. After improving their knowledge of economics and tempering their defensive thinking, they have successfully been admitted to relevant majors in major universities around the world. Including Harvard University, Stanford University, Cornell University, Colby College, one of the oldest independent liberal arts colleges in the United States.



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