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来源:邦博尔国际学校网 发布时间:2021-10-30


   上海青浦区协和双语学校 在成长,教师队伍继续壮大优化。新学年,又一批专业精湛、经验丰富、活力四射的老师们加盟青浦协和。7月3日,他们其中的三十多位到校报到。

  With the consistent development of the School, we are recruiting more teachers to join in. In Year 2020, we are going to have more professional and vigorous teachers. Today, 30 of the new teachers came to the School for orientation.


  Teachers went to the School to finish registration procedures, take staff photo, and have a campus tour, including teaching areas, laboratory, Learning Resources Center, the SUIS Museum, canteen, theatre, and Xiehe Art Salon, to have a better knowledge of the School layout.







  Ms. Maxine, the General Principal of Xiehe Education, delivered four points of views to teachers with her own experiences: the first is that “Teach students, not teach subjects” ; the second is that “All experience matters”; the third is that “It takes struggles to go through bottle necks”; and, last but not least, “If you want to go faster, then go by yourself. If you want to go further, then go with your fellows.” From sharing these views, we hope our teachers could embrace Xiehe values and elevate themselves in teaching practice and innovation.


  Ms. Sunny, the Co-Acting Principal of SUIS Qingpu, shared her interpretation of “East meets West”. Teachers expressed their thoughts during the discussion with many sparkling ideas: “Not only the integration of curriculum, but also the integration of teachers and students”; “With the exchange, clash and integration of different cultures, respects and appreciations are gained during the process”; “In spite of the differences, we can share the same goals”.


  In the introduction of the Primary and Middle School Department, Ms. Helen and Ms. Tina, as the heads of departments, introduced the curriculum, teaching requirements, and current data. They trusted the team that they could fully show their professionalism and styles in future teaching. The Admin and ICT Department briefly introduced some notes of working on the campus, the operation of the Intelligent Campus Platform, and the arrangements of teachers’ clubs, etc. After the orientation, teachers knew what they should do for the upcoming academic year, and started to prepare for the training in August.


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