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深圳查特豪斯书院:如何做到有效学习?How can students learn most effectively?

来源:深圳查特豪斯书院 发布时间:2021-08-21

深圳查特豪斯书院:如何做到有效学习?How can students learn most effectively?



  Learning is making changes in memory, which is a network of linked cells in the brain that fire together. Our neural networks produce patterns that the brain reads as images, thoughts and feelings. The connections between the cells – the synapses – thicken with repeated use, enabling faster transmission of signals. Thus, what you learn becomes automated over time.

  Once, you had to concentrate when you were learning to drive a car; now, you drive every day with much less conscious thought about it. once you learned your seven times table in maths; now it comes to you automatically. You need to automate a lot of the fundamental skills and processes before you can progress to more complex thinking and procedures.



  为达至此教学目标,我们可以参考哈佛大学的零点项目(Project Zero)推动的“学习可视化”运动。在思维可视化的课堂里,老师让学生们自由分享自己的思考方式和过程,然后老师向学生示范不同的思维方式和思考过程以及和学生一起实践。目前,教育界拥有上百种思维方式,老师可通过运用这些思维方式让学习变得可视化。

  New ideas to be learnt need to fit into existing neural networks, so they have to be within reach of what you already know. If you listen to a talk that is way above your head, it becomes too demanding and you will likely switch off your attention and learn nothing.

  So teachers need to structure and scaffold learning, so that it is within the reach of every student. That means, as well as being the ‘knowledgeable other’ that brings the new learning to students’ attention, the teacher needs to differentiate. The teacher not only needs to be an expert, ‘modelling’ the thinking processes that the experts use, but also needs to understand how each student is thinking – and how to scaffold the learning in between the student’s level of understanding and that of the expert.

  The ‘Making Thinking Visible’ movement from Project Zero at Harvard University particularly helps with this process. In visible thinking lessons, teachers get students to talk through their thought processes, and teachers model and practice different processes of thinking with students. There are now hundreds of thinking routines that teachers use with students to make thinking visible.


  Learning any subject or topic to a deep level is a long-term process, and the best results come when the learner has an expert coach who provides regular feedback. For maximum effect, this feedback should be of three types: feedback that defines the goals and steps in the process and keeps the student on track; feedback that understands how students are thinking and corrects any misconceptions; and feedback that models and practises with students the thinking processes of the experts in the subject.


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  10th July, 2021 (Saturday)


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